Freedom Park is a haunting, yet beautiful monument. It is a memorial to the people who have died in South Africa from wars, political reasons, etc. If you feel that your family member should be included on the wall, you can talk to the government in order to make sure they are included. While we were there, some workers were adding some new names.
The wall is curved with names spanning up to the sky. It is not organized in a clear way with blank spots, presumably for future names to be added. On the side, there are separate smaller walls for individual wars. There are an excessive amount of names on each wall. There are so many people who have died.
There is also a hall of leaders with banners listing quotes by iconic leaders. They are to remind the people of what individuals can do and how powerful they can be together. Most importantly, their words emphasize how we are all humans with rights.

My favorite part of Freedom Park was the prayer walk. There are rocks with steam billowing out of them. People are supposed to take off their shoes and have a silent walk in honor of those who have passed. It was a moving experience. It made me feel a part of something important to the South Africans and those who had passed, those who are famous like
Steve Biko and those who are not known but still
are South African heroes.